Korean Diplomacy

Kim Jong Un
Wie gehts, euch?

While this seems to be quite unrelated to the normally festive holiday season here, news of Kim Jong Il’s death, and the succession of his son to the leader of North Korea has been cause for a lot of news coverage here in Switzerland. Obviously, it’s been a huge news story everywhere, but what you might not know is that Kim Jong Un, the new leader of North Korea, lived and studied here in Bern. Actually, to be specific, he lived on the outskirts of Bern and went to school at the International School just two towns over from where we live.

Kim Jong Un in Gumligen
Kim Jong Un in a class photo in Gumligen

So the new leader of North Korea speaks Schweizer Deutsch. Kim Jong Il’s father, Kim Il-Sung, who ruled North Korea from 1948 to 1994 was known as the Respected Leader. Kim Jong Il was known as the Dear Leader. I suppose Kim Jong Un will be known, simply, as lederhosen.